official site for the city of cordele, ga
The Cemeteries/Parks Department is dedicated to keeping the City of Cordele clean and safe by providing the following services:
- Repairs and installs traffic signs.
- Makes and installs Street Markers.
- Installs Community Development hearing signs.
- Maintains traffic signals.
- Maintains right of ways.
- Paints curbs, parking, and center lines on city streets.
- Sprays for mosquitoes.
- Maintains Bethel Cemetery and Sunnyside Cemetery.
- Maintains serveral City Parks.
- Assists with City Christmas Decorations.
- Cuts grass at City storm water ponds.
- Cuts bushes and vegetation in City alleys and ditches.
- Assists in Special Projects such community events, Main Street projects.
- Roadside weed control.
- Supervises work detail for community service workers and inmates
The supintendent is Jessie Mercer.