official site for the city of cordele, ga

This site is your 24/7 online portal for reporting non-emergency issues to the City of Cordele, GA. Here, you will find the resources needed to request a business license renewal, a pot hole repaired, to report an abandoned vehicle or building that needs attention and much, much more.

If you have a question about your utility bill, a traffic citation, trash pickup or other routine city services, many of those have been addressed on our FAQ's page. Simply click on the FAQs button on the left and choose the department for which you are inquiring. Many forms for new service or renewals are also available for download from the FAQ's page.

So TRY US OUT!! If you need to notify City Hall of a non-emergency situation such as sewer backups/odor, pot holes, low water pressure, etc., you can report the concern by clicking on the "Report A Concern" button on the left of this screen. We look forward to hearing from you!

NOTE: Non-emergency service requests made outside of regular business hours will normally be reviewed by City Hall on the following business day. Of course, if you have an emergency, please call 9-1-1 for immediate assistance!