Most pipelines are underground. The reason for this is to minimize interference with above ground structures and infrastructure. However, pipeline rights-of-way are clearly identified by pipeline markers along pipeline routes that indicate the approximate—NOT EXACT—location of the pipeline. Pipeline markers do not indicate the burial depth, as the depth varies due to changes in the surface grade. Markers are typically seen where a pipeline intersects with a street, highway or railway. Utility service lines typically do not have specific rights-of-way and therefore, are not generally marked. Your natural gas provider will be happy to locate and mark service lines in your purposed dig site. Just dial 811 to request locates.
The National Pipeline Mapping System depicts all of the natural gas and liquid transmission pipeline systems in the area and is available at Utility service and distribution maps are available at City of Cordele Public Work, located at 808 E. 11th Avenue and may be viewed as needed for excavation, taking security of the infrastructure into consideration.
official site for the city of cordele, ga